Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Scary it could happen to me...

As you can see from the picture above I did not take this image with my camera (obviously). Even though I did not create this picture, it most definitely will end up in my 365 scrapbook as an eye opening experience. This evening on my way home, I stopped by the ATM of my local bank and as I was pulling out a gentleman walked from behind the dumpsters. Now, a normal person would not be going through the bank's dumpsters at eight o' clock at night, so I knew something was up. As a concerned member of my bank, I called 9-1-1 to report the incident. As I dialed, the gentleman hurried into his truck and sped off. While talking and driving with the 9-1-1 representative I followed the gentlemen to catch his licences plate number. After speeding through a red light and swerving to follow the culprit onto the freeway, I finally got his licence plate number...he wasn't going to get away if I had something to do with it! I suppose I will never know if the guy actually took something of value from the dumpster, but it definitely opened my eyes as to why you should never throw away anything that contains your personal information. My husband has always told me this concept, but I truly never understood until tonight. If someone wants to steal your identity, they will go to any length to get it...even if that means dumpster diving at eight o' clock at night! Tomorrow morning, I will be making a visit to my bank to speak with the president on their policies regarding this manner...I'll keep you informed!

My year, my story, one picture at a time!


Tim said...

Wow Steph that actually sounded alot scary not a little. You are so brave for doing what you did to try and stop him.

I so thank GOD that you are ok.

Love and Prayers,


Clare said...

stephanie! Thanks for visiting my blog, i love your blog! so great! I can't believe that story about the ATM, that is crazy! Go girl for driving to follow the guy, that is awesome! love, Clare

Anonymous said...

Wow, I'd be scared... Just out of fear of a strange man coming from behind a dumpter at night like that. Eeek, I believe firmly all banks should you shredders and all that...

It takes longer to do but that way peoples personal things wouldnt be at risk, in my opinion!

PS: Found your blog on CafeMom! :)