Saturday, January 23, 2010

Let this be a lesson learned for every parent...

I originally was not going to write or post about my traumatizing evet this week, but I have since realized that this was a very important lesson for me to learn and If I can spare this from happening to another friend and parent, it's important for me to share. My son and I were out shopping and like most shopping trips it's a fight for him to sit in the proper seat strapped in. Since this was going to be a quick trip in, I allowed him to sit in the cart as long as he would listen and sit down. As we finished up gathering what we needed, I turned around for ONE SECOND and from that moment he stood up and fell out of the shopping cart landing on his back and head. I quickly swept him up and tried to calm him down. He continued to hold his head and tell me owie owie. From there, we drove to ER where they took him right in...there is no messing around when a possible head injury occurs. After the traumatizing neck brace, and CT scan it was determined that everything was good and clear...thank GOD! The moral of this story is ER+Neck brace+CT Scan= DO NOT let your child sit in the shopping cart basket. As a mother I was terrified and upset that I was responsible for my son ultimately getting hurt. You never imagine these situations actually happening to you, but when they do, it's a HUGE lesson learned. Thankfully this situation ended with a clear bill of health, but could have quickly turned to be more then just a bump on the head. So PLEASE if you are a parent reading this post; as a friend, I am telling you to learn from my mistake and think twice before placing your child in the shopping cart basket...


Brandi said...

Glad your little man is son fell off the changing table when he was a year old...been sucks. We were lucky too, thanks goodness!

Courtney and the Boys said...

That must have been so scary, Stephanie, but don't beat yourself up. I left my 9-day-old son on the sofa while I went to wash my hands and he ROLLED OVER! What 9-day-old rolls over? Thankfully he rolled toward the back of the sofa and not towards the front and consequently on to the floor, but I still felt so guilty. Kids are quick!

Glad he's okay!!

jutka said...

Oh, I'm so sorry Stephanie this had happened to you, but I'm so glad that no serious injury. As a mother of three and a grandmother of six I know very well how shocking is to go through things like this.

Unknown said...

Gosh I think i held my breath til i read he was ok ... i cant imagine something like that happening but youre right it does happen when we least expect it IM SO GLAD you baby is ok! We are parents we make mistakes but we learn I hope youre not to hard on yourself big hug i know how scary this must have been for you!


I'm in tears just reading this , thanking God that he is ok. We as parents always try to do teh best for our kids and hey stuff happens . I have that same issue with Emmy who is well three and well she is always determinded to unbuckle the seat and well stand and fly out ouch is right . LUCKLY i have caught her when she wAS ATTEMPTING TO DO SO OR i too would be in your predictiment .

Iam glad that he is ok and that all clear. it is a well lesson learned .... hugs to you my friend it happens and we learn and move on thanking the lord for another day and for opening us up to a lesson learned ..

god bless mommy .. husga and prasies ...

Ann said...

Thank you for posting. first daughter was young, a friend let her daughter in the big part. The daughter fell out and broke her arm. I have never let my kids sit there b/c of that. Hopefully, you sharing your post will save another child from harm.


just came over to check on you , how is my little guy , thinking of you both . hope you all are ok Hugs michelle

thecrunchywife said...

Wow. I am so so so glad he is okay, but I'm also glad you posted this!

I'm following you from MBC! If you get a chance, please stop by my blog :)

Jenny :)

Morgan said...

That is very scary! I'm glad your little boy was okay! I bet they see a lot of accidents like that in the E.R.